A lineman has to make use of different tools and one of the most important tools is the bucket knuckle . Bucket knuckles are tools that help to hold and organize the bracket designed for suspending and separating the tools while rigging inside the aerial device like a man basket. This tool is made up of UHMW plastic and is wear-resistant. It has great strength. They can hang from two bucket hooks and can hang inside the bucket beside the tool board. These are very important for giving placement to the pole step removable socket and the flip socket as these can rip the pockets of the tool boards. Features of high-quality bucket knuckles: These can fit easily on the sides and edges of the standard buckets and are designed to hang from the two bucket hooks. It can hold the weight up to 50 lbs and that is very useful for the lineman as they have to work from great heights and they need all types of tools. There are individual rigging points and they ...